Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm back!

Old McNora had a farm E I E I O.
Finally back!  The fall semester started.  Things got crazy.  Things are crazy STILL, but the difference is now I don't workout in the evenings because I am the proud owner of a jogging stroller.  It is amazing -- I've never been much of a runner, but now I have every reason to be because I can get a good workout in the day!  I "inherited" an iPhone and bought a Nike GPS app that tracks the miles I run.  It keeps a nice history of my runs, which is nice because it lets me compete with myself.  I am a very competitive person, so this is a way for me to "compete".

Other news.

Nora started crawling during our visit to California this summer -- in July.  Recently, she has started signing back to us a few words: milk, more, all done, book.  It is very adorable to see her communicate with us even before her speech is developed.  All she can say is "mama" and "p".  She says the "p" sound a few times to refer to Alan.  She can identify some body parts.  Favorites include belly button, toes, teeth, nose.  She knows Gertrude's name (and that she is a dog).  Every day I can see that she understands more and more by the way she interacts with the world.  Lately she has taken to assisted walking.  She likes to walk holding onto our fingers.  I've taken her a few times to play on the grass on campus -- she absolutely loves it.  Today she found some little flowers while she was "walking" around and just needed to stop and investigate.
A Baylor Bear at the Burleson Quadrangle

Faux Hawk
It is about mid-term.  Hard to believe the semester is about half-way over?  I'm starting to think of Thanksgiving plans and what we'll do for Alan's and Nora's birthday (singular).  It's going to be challenging throwing a shindig the week of Thanksgiving, but that's what we got.

Friday, July 2, 2010

High Five & a Kiss

A few days ago (maybe 2) Alan asked Nora to give him a high five.  And she did... and continues to do.  This morning, as Alan was saying good morning to Nora, he asked for a high five.  She gave him one -- even though she was on her belly -- with a big, open-mouthed smile.

Today is Alan's last day of German class.  After class, he asked Nora for a kiss.  She leaned over and closed her mouth on his cheek (it was a gentle closing--not quite like eating, but definitely not your typical kiss).  To make sure this wasn't an accident, we asked for some more kisses.  She gave them to us, but after a couple she started crying.  She was very tired for a nap, but still -- it was funny to see her start crying after giving one of us a kiss.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Almost Crawling & a New Granny Square Quilt

Nora turned 7 months a few days ago.  June 23rd.  Coincidentally, it was also a year since one of my grandmothers passed away.  I thought about my grandma and I missed her -- but I am also looking forward to the day when I will see her again.

This baby has been scooting around on the floor for a few weeks now.  She'll roll, do a push-up and push herself backwards.  She has backed herself into a few interesting places in our living room.  Alan was studying German on the couch, looked up and found her underneath a footstool--with her little head popped out.  The past couple of days -- probably on/around the day she turned 7 months -- Nora has been able to right herself on her hands and knees, and then rock back and forth... like she's building up momentum to blast out of her stationary position.  Although I said that jokingly, it's rather true.  She IS going to take off and not be a little baby anymore.  Writing this and listening to Iron & Wine may not be such a great idea -- I'm probably feeling more sentimental than usual.  But it's true.  Babies grow up so fast.  So fast!

In other news: in my spare time I have been working on another granny square quilt.  I found the idea on Etsy and I am shamelessly copying the idea.  It looks beautiful and I just hope my attempt will turn out ok.
This is their picture, and here is a link to the Colorful Afghan Blanket that you can buy on etsy.

The past few days, Nora, Alan & I have been enjoying some (limited) time outdoors.  Today we grilled some hotdogs with some friends (rather they did the grilling).  Here's Nora and Dad:

I love this cute little dress -- we found it at a local used clothing shop for children's clothes. 

I love this little smile!  :-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daddy's Little Pavlovian Dog

It's really neat to see Nora prefer Alan to put her to bed.  It's a relief for me because I'm tired and it's refreshing for Alan because it is a special opportunity for him to feel special--to feel needed.  I tried to put Nora to bed and failed -- Alan came and saved the day today.  It didn't take him long to put her to bed.

When I was fixing Nora dinner, she started making sucking/slurping/smacking noises.  It was hilarious.  And oh so adorable.

I am starting to work on Christmas gifts... hopefully will knock some (most) out this summer before things pick up in the fall.

Also, I've been considering selling items on etsy.  I am a little intimidated by the prospect of being a seller, but intrigued as well.  It sounds like fun, but I am concerned that it will be more trouble than it's worth.  For me, my motivation would be that it's a fun thing to do -- not simply for the money.  If I need to make money, chances are this is not the efficient way to do it!

I've seen people selling paper flowers, and crocheted items.  I'm not an artist in the traditional sense, but I like doodling and some people like those.  Weirdos!
Here is one such doodle.  

Doodle is such a strange word.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sleep & a Granny Square Blanket

We have had a much easier time putting Babycakes to sleep the past few days -- thank you God!  It has been such a blessing only spending half an hour putting her to sleep (approximately) compared to one and a half hours -- or as much as three!  I guess that means she is adapting and becoming comfortable with Dad putting her to bed.  Once again.  AWESOME.

I've been staying up pretty late the past few days.  I think it's caught up with me as I've had a scratchy throat today (usually a sign of stress and/or the beginning of a cold).  I hope it's not anything.  Need to get to sleep at a decent hour to feel better tomorrow.

In other news, I finished -- that's right -- FINISHED Alan's Christmas gift.  Well, it was supposed to be his Christmas gift.  Better late than never?  Let's just say it is even if it is the middle of June.  I guess at this point I could just say I'm early for Christmas 2010.  But whatever.

This is my first granny square crochet blanket.  I made it using Hobby Lobby's brand of yarn: "I Love This Yarn!"  My personal opinion is that's it's ok and pretty good for the price.  Three colors of blue: sky blue, cornflower blue and dark blue and white with black as the joining yarn.
The whole blanket.  Long enough to cover Alan's toes.

It was fun, but I'm happy to be finished with it!  Trying to think of what I'd like to work on next...  HMMM.

In other news, I bought this amazing custom-made valance on etsy which I absolutely love!

It really complements our kitchen table & hutches and brightens the kitchen.  Exactly what we wanted it to do.

Midnight.  Should go to bed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Crocheted Elephant

I finished Nora's crocheted elephant today!  Here he is:
I decided to wait -- perhaps until her first birthday (?) to give it to her to make it special.


Yesterday, the combined efforts of Alan and I took us... about 3 hours to put Nora to bed.  I keep reminding myself that this is a growing experience.  It will get better!

In better news, Nora played by herself for a long time yesterday.  It was amazing!  I almost finished her elephant.  Pictures to come...